Thursday, January 24, 2008

Thursday Morning

Katie and I led devotions this morning. We read some from Esther 4:11-17. It went pretty well. We talked about taking a stand and not backing down in the face of obstacles. After that we divided into groups with some doing construction and others doing visitation. The construction group seemed to get a lot done on the fence we've been building around the school grounds.
Emily, Bethany, Barbara, and I went on visitations to the east side of Helene. The east side was much more marshy and dirty than the west side. It had just rained so it was really muddy which made walking more interesting and difficult. Lunch time, gotta go.


Leslie said...

Yay! Cathy left an update! Bet y'all are loving that mud. It's so cool to hear about everything that's going on. Praying for all of you still and can't wait for the next update!
Thanks for the pics!
Love, Leslie

Claire Drake said...

Great to hear from you sweetie. I'm glad to hear everyone's doing well and keeping the scorpions at bay. I'm sure it would be ok with most of you if you could throw them in the bay. Anyway, we sure do miss all of you and will be glad to hear all of the stories when you get home. Stay safe and keep up the good work. Love, Dad

Andy Lawrenson said...

Glad to hear you guys are having a great time on this trip.

Go girl!